Enda Kenny Visits Millstreet On Election Campaign Trail Today – Greeted by a Warm Welcome from Supporters – Coverage on LTV2 Tonight

"Gael Force" in earnest when Enda Kenny was joined this afternoon at the Square, Millstreet by Fine Gael's Aine Collins, Michael Creed and Derry Canty.

With lots of national media present, Enda Kenny, Fine Gael Leader, delivered a rousing speech in front of the Wallis Arms Hotel, Millstreet where a large group of supporters warmly applauded his inspiring words.   Enda shook hands with many people adding lots of witty and wise comments.   Joanne O’Riordan asked a number of [read more …] “Enda Kenny Visits Millstreet On Election Campaign Trail Today – Greeted by a Warm Welcome from Supporters – Coverage on LTV2 Tonight”