Day: August 6, 2011
Parish Newsletter 7th August, 2011
Nineteenth SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – 7thAugust, 2011
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043 / Mobile087-7752948
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:
Mass Intentions this Week-end:
Saturday 6thAugust:
Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. Con (Neily) Corcoran, Coolikerane & England(recently deceased) [read more …] “Parish Newsletter 7th August, 2011”
Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, Leo Varadkar, T.D. Visits Millstreet This Morning – 6th August 2011
The Minister discussed the O’Sullivan Beara National Walkway with Michael O’Sullivan and others. He gave a brief interview to LTV2 with further contributions from local people. He indicated that he is especially interested in [read more …] “Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport, Leo Varadkar, T.D. Visits Millstreet This Morning – 6th August 2011”
Millstreet Vintage Club Car Run on Tomorrow, Sunday 7th August 2011
Millstreet Vintage Club Car Run takes place on tomorrow, Sunday 7th August 2011. It incorporates a Tour of Duhallow. Participants are asked to sign on at 11.30 a.m. in the Wallis Arms Hotel. First Car off at 12.30 p.m. sharp. We thank Dan Barry for this important information and we encourage people to observe the leaving of the cars on the enjoyable occasion.
Genealogy: Griffins / O’Sullivans
My great grandfather Tom Griffin arrived In Millstreet from Co. Mayo C1885. He married Hannah Daughter of Jeremiah O’Sulliavan. They had four children: Mary, Tom, JJ, and Paddy Griffin. Hannah Griffin died and was buried in Cahir Co. Tipperary C1939. The last Griffin was Gretta who owned and ran the pub Tanglewood on the Main Street in Millstreet about 2003.
Anyone have more information on the Griffins / O’Sullivans, or are there any other relations out there?
Joe Walsh (email: <email> )
In Millstreet Hospital
My cousin, they tell me, doesn’t wake up much,
nor does she seem to see the green mountain
framed in the window of this chapel of ease
for travellers booked in for their long pilgrimage.
When I leave at the end of visiting-hours
a small, tidy man is sitting by the door:
stick, well-knotted tie, watch-chain, tweed jacket.
He gets to his feet, raises his hat and enquires:
‘Excuse my troubling you, but would you be
going anywhere near a railway station?’
The young smiling nurse bends over him,
and takes him by the elbow, saying:
‘Maybe tomorrow, James. Maybe tomorrow
we’ll take you to the station.’
[read more …] “In Millstreet Hospital”