With the kind permission of the Happy Couple, Julie & David, we share the first part of a very wonderful Wedding Day. The professional photographer on the day was Ian Cronin assisted by Trevor while the professional videographers were William & Ita Fitzgerald. Here we feature our own alternative images of the day for our [read more …] “Wedding of Julie O’Leary & David Brosnan on 5th August 2011 – Part One”
Day: August 13, 2011
Parish Newsletter – 14th August, 2011
Twentieth SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – 14thAugust, 2011
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043 / Mobile087-7752948
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.
Yourprayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:
RECENT DEATHS:Jerry Singleton, Carriglea
Breeda Hartnett (nee O’Sullivan), Aunagloor & Mitchelstown
Special Radio Service at Millstreet Show 2011
Jerry Singleton
In Carriglea or in Millstreet Town never more to be seen
But memories of him will remain evergreen
With his family and the many friends in life he made
Good memories live on when all else seem to fade
Jerry Singleton was well liked and well known far from his home countryside
As a breeder, owner and trainer of greyhounds he was known far and wide
His greyhounds with the Carriglea prefix renowned for early pace
At the big Munster tracks won many a feature race
1985 Tour of Corsica – Focus on Billy Coleman
1985 Tour of Corsica-Focus on Billy Coleman from LTV2MILLSTREET on Vimeo.
As we look forward to current #BillyColemanAward winner Callum Devine heading to Tour de Corse next weekend (April 5th to 8th) lets remember when Billy Coleman gave one of his best ever performances at World Rally Championship level on… https://t.co/Qn2zm0grp4
— Billy Coleman Award (@BillyColemanAwd) March 30, 2018