Even More Success for Millstreet Tidy Towns Association Tonight!

Millstreet has just been awarded €1,750.00 for having come First in CategoryB1 of the Cork Co. Anti-Litter Competition.   Members of Millstreet Tidy Towns Association are in Cork Co. Hall tonight receiving the prestigious award.    What wonderfully uplifting encouragement for the superbly dedicated Association.  All this on a week when Millstreet has shone so brightly in the National Tidy Towns Awards winning a Bronze Medal.   Sincere and heartfelt congratulations to all involved.  (S.R.)

Wedding of Julie O’Leary & David Brosnan – Part 4

Bride Julie and Groom David with their Wedding Band "Celebration" on 5th August 2011

And so we come to the final part of our special feature on the wonderful wedding of Julie O’Leary and David Brosnan.  Here we focus on the magnificent wedding reception at Ballygarry House Hotel, Tralee on 5th August 2011.   We get to meet “Elvis” ( a member of the excellent “Celebration” Band) during the evening of [read more …] “Wedding of Julie O’Leary & David Brosnan – Part 4”