Food parcels for the Homeless at Christmas

Food parcels for the Homeless at Christmas

Essential foods – for example


Coffee- small jars







Tinned –Meat’s ,Stew’s, Cornbeef,  etc.

Toiletries – Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Shampoo, and Shower gel,

Always needed  –  Socks, scarf’s or gloves  or good quality warm jumpers

Sleeping bags

Cigarettes !

Drop in centre –  Millstreet –  O;Regan’s Mills office ask for Hannah

                             Boherbue  –  Educare Centre–ask for  Tina  Enwright

Any Volunteers  to travel to Cork for the sorting out of foods will be kindly appreciated.

  [read more …] “Food parcels for the Homeless at Christmas”

Memories Of Rosemary’s Fiftieth Birthday Party

Phil Cronin is a man who is well travelled and half way around the Planet he has flown
Yet when he talks of Millstreet in Duhallow you always hear him mention the word home
And though he’s raised his children in Australia and he left Ireland many years ago
He still talks with s strong Duhallow accent an accent that he never will outgrow.

I met him at Rosemary Kelleher’s fiftieth birthday party with Kitty his endearing Irish wife
And they look well and young despite the passage of time and they don’t look ravaged by the cares of life,
Phil Cronin drank his beer and talked of Millstreet and back the roads of memory he did go
To the people he knew in the Town of Millstreet the Learys and John Sing and Mister O.
[read more …] “Memories Of Rosemary’s Fiftieth Birthday Party”