Parish Newsletter – 10th June 2012

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 10th June, 2012
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043 / Mobile 087-7752948
Email: <email>
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Donal Cowman, Drishane Road
Kathleen O’Farrell, Kenmare

[read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 10th June 2012”

Anne Duggan

The youngest of the family of Cornelius and Catherine Duggan a woman who was compassionate and kind
Who was known for her generosity of spirit and brilliance of mind
From her Hometown of Millstreet Anne Duggan lives far away
She became a nun in the U S of A

One in her late sixties or early seventies with a great life story to tell
At poetry and stories one who writes rather well
Amongst the literary legends of Duhallow Anne can claim her place
Though to many living there nowadays her’s may not be a known face
[read more …] “Anne Duggan”

Murphy Family has combined 200 years of service

From the Irish Examiner: The Murphys have a remarkably long service record with Liebherr hotels in Co Kerry, touching on 200 years between them.

Donie Murphy, concierge at The Europe, is the hotel’s longest-serving employee and plans to retire next year after 51 years.

The Millstreet, Co Cork, native started as a commis waiter in 1962. It was a summer job that became permanent and he now wonders where all the years have gone.

“Working at the porter’s desk, you meet hundreds of people and I certainly love that. If you put an effort into your work, you don’t miss time passing and I’ve always enjoyed being with people,” he says.

At this stage, Donie could spend hours listing the names of celebrities, leading politicians and sports stars he has welcomed.

Singers Rod Stewart and Joe Dolan, actors Rex Harrison [read more …] “Murphy Family has combined 200 years of service”

Looking for Murrays of Ballydaly

I am interested in getting in touch with any descendants or family members of the Murrays who lived in Ballydaly from about 1909 to the 1940s. Denis Murray who came from Curraleigh married (in 1909) Nora Breen whose family lived in Ballydaly during the 1800s. My grandfather from England visited the Murrays during WW2 in 1940 and 1941. I would like to shed some light on the reasons for his visits.
If you have any further information please contact:
Brian Slattery <email>

Fundraising Coffee Morning for Millstreet National Schools

Sheila Lane and Janice Sheehan at Friday morning's special fundraising Coffee Morning in aid of Presentation N.S. and Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet BNS. The very successful event was held in the Kitchen of Millstreet GAA Community Hall on 8th June 2012. (S.R.)

With lots of delicious home baking and a very happy, cheerful atmosphere the event attracted many visitors including some young people whose [read more …] “Fundraising Coffee Morning for Millstreet National Schools”