Census 2011: How many Polish in Millstreet

The Central Statistics Office today released its Migration and Diversity Report which looks at diversity in the form of non-Irish nationals living in Ireland, along with foreign languages spoken and ability to speak English.

Millstreet gets a mention on page 11 as the town with the 5th highest Polish Poluation in Ireland with 15% of its population being Polish nationals. A few years ago we reported that in 2006 Millstreet had by far the highest Polish population in the country at 14%. (see the tables below for details) It has risen slightly (even if anecdotally quite a few seem to have left) while other other towns have seen their Polish population climb dramatically. Indeed our close neighbours in Rathmore had [read more …] “Census 2011: How many Polish in Millstreet”

The Human Costs of Deportation

Yesterday saw the launch of a campaign of a new group called Anti-Deportation Ireland who are against the system of direct provision and the practice of deportation. One asylum seeker Aisha Yusuff wrote of the pain inflicted on her family by the deportation of her husband:

“I reside in Drishane Castle in Millstreet Accomodation Centre with my two children ages four and two, both born in Ireland. I arrived in Ireland in July 2008 with my husband to seek asylum. We were given deportation letters by the justice system a year later. The letters explained that as a family we were not to be separated and would be deported together.

We were asked to continually report to the GNIB office in Dublin so that our removal from the state could be facilitated. We did this for [read more …] “The Human Costs of Deportation”