E Millstreet Enterprise Centre opens for New and Existing Entrepreneurs!

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(We thank Julie Crowley, E Centres Co-ordinator for this important information – S.R.)

Encouraging and growing new businesses has always been important to the economy and never more so than now.  Equally, keeping existing businesses in business (that have needed to downsize during the economic downturn) is fundamental to towns and villages throughout Cork County.  With this in mind, Millstreet Development Association have made a partnership with Cork County Council and IRD Duhallow to provide a new enterprise facility in Millstreet town.


This Centre comes about as part of Cork County Council’s ‘E Centres Initiative’ which is part of the Economic Development Fund.  The ambition is to work with local communities in towns and villages all over CorkCounty to provide such facilities for local people to start and grow their business.


The Centre will be opened by the County Mayor, Cllr. Barbara Murray on Wednesday 23rd  January at 3.30pm and all are welcome to come and view the facilities and join in the positive atmosphere of opening the new E Centre.  [read more …] “E Millstreet Enterprise Centre opens for New and Existing Entrepreneurs!”

In the Corkman – 10th January 2013

Also in CorkNews.ie: Pump School comes to children with diabetes in Cork (Christine & Evelyn McCarthy)

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