Dromtarriffe Family Fun Weekend

Dromtariffe Parish Hall are holding a great weekend of family fun on the weekend of July 27th & 28th, this is part of the Days of the Regions festival and the Gathering festival run in conjuntion with IRD Duhallow. The fun begins on July 27th with A gathering Ceili in the Hall, music by Tim Joe & Anne admission €10 and refreshments will be served throughout the night. On Sunday July 28th the family fun continues with a fun 10k fun cycle @12.30pm followed by a massive Barbecue, Bouncing castles, Vintage Display,Pony rides,Kids sports, and our now famous Donkey Derby with top cash prizes on the day. Entries for Donkey derby taken on the day. Admission €5 or €10 per family.
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Regional Report 1176 – 16th July 2013



Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 1176 from Millstreet. Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this beautiful balmy Tuesday morning.

The long awaited documentery on the Bearra Way and Donal Cam O Sullivan was very well received on RTE 1 on Sunday evening at 6.30. Both Sean Radley and I were delighted that Millstreet got such fine coverage. And those who missed it can log in to RTE’s website,enter the title and it can be viewed anytime..

Millstreet is taking a well earned break following our highly successful Gathering Festival, and there’s a note here from Veronica Perdistat as follows-

Millstreet Development’s Gathering Committee would like to thank everyone who supported the recent Summer Festival.

We were blessed with good weather and very appreciative of the help and assistance from across the community.

It really was a Community Gathering for both young and old and we hope that our families, friends and visitors enjoyed the four days of events.

We would also like to take this opportunity to wish the other communities in the Duhallow region who are hosting events that they also have a safe and successful celebration. I have a poster from Boherbue to say that they are holding their Gathering Festival in August from the 2nd to the 4th. with a wide range of events to pack every moment. Please look up their posters and get ready to help or join in.  [read more …] “Regional Report 1176 – 16th July 2013”