Rathmore Cycle Event 2013 Blessed with Fine Weather

Hundreds of enthusiastic cyclists participated in this first major Cycle Event in Rathmore on Saturday morning (31st August 2013).   According to one of the principal Coordinators, Donal Kelleher - it's likely to become an annual event judging by the inspiring response to the very impressive event.  (S.R.)
Hundreds of enthusiastic cyclists participated in this first major Cycle Event in memory of Paud O’Leary and Willie Reen organised by Sliabh Luachra Cycling club in Rathmore on Saturday morning (31st August 2013). According to one of the principal Coordinators, Donal Kelleher – it’s likely to become an annual event judging by the inspiring response to the very impressive event.  Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

10Rathmore Cycle Event on 31st August 2013 -800 11Rathmore Cycle Event on 31st August 2013 -800 59Rathmore Cycle Event on 31st August 2013 -800Walkers and athletes also took part.   It was a wonderfully well organised event with enormous cooperation from the Gardaí, Volunteers and many other essential services.    Here we share a further 140 images recalling the uplifting occasion.   We also recorded the event for LTV2 including an [read more …] “Rathmore Cycle Event 2013 Blessed with Fine Weather”