A Trad for Trocaire will take place on Thursday 3rd Oct. at 8pm in Millstreet Community School library. Admission is free. There will be a collection to support of Trocaire’s work in developing countries during the evening. All welcome.
Two of the Transition Year students who are helping to co-ordinate the event, James Linehan and Darren Kiely, are due to play a few tunes to advertise the event on c103’s Cork Today with Patricia Messenger at about 11.45am tomorrow (3rd Oct)
Update: Click on the Audio player above to listen to the interview with Patricia Messenger on C103 today.
Pictured right are Darren, John and James with Patricia Messenger at the C103 studios this morning.
[read more …] “Trad for Trocaire in Millstreet Community School – Thursday 3rd Oct.”