Regional Report 1191 – 29th October 2013



Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a Cairde and welcome to News Report 1191 from Millstreet.
Fondest Greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this the last Tuesday in October.
I hope you are all well following the massive change in weather conditions over the weekend coupled with the change in time.

The 37th  Annual Pony Show was for three days,over the weekend . With people from all parts of the country coming to take part. Dedicated parents giving their young people every opportunity to succeed in the Equine world.
In weather that changed from tranquil Autumn calmness to freezing wind and rain. As ever the cosy indoor Arena proved it’s worth and competitions went on early and late. This Show is held every year for charity, lots of money was raised  and the list of recipients is on the website as well as the list of all the winning ponies.

Next  weekend November 8 to 10 we will have the great Self-Build Show again all under one roof at the Green Glens.
As always a show not to be missed.
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