Parish Newsletter – 29th December, 2013 – Feast of the Holy Family


 FEAST OF the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph – 29th Dec, 2013

Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.   Tel:029-70043 / 087-7752948

Email:  <email>


10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS:             Pat Kelly, Coomlogane; Michael Lane, Carriganima [read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 29th December, 2013 – Feast of the Holy Family”

Tom Radley at his Forge in the Square

A really wonderful audio clip has come to light recently, of Tom Radley who owned and ran the Forge in the corner of the Square, Millstreet until the 1980s.

It contains his nephew Seán Radley interviewing Tom Jack back in the 1970s, and this short audio recording gives a taste of life in a forge. The Millstreet accent is strong and rich in this one.

Click here to listen to the recording.

Pictured right is a photo taken outside the Forge in the Square, Millstreet back in the 1970s, where blacksmith Tom Radley had just completed placing four shoes on Dan Hallissey’s donkey (Dan lived in Coole/Drishanebeg).

Radleys Engineering, who built the Spire in Dublin (with John & Tommy as Directors), have their roots in this forge.

Below are three further photos of Tom in his  forge, taken in the 1980s.

Click on the photos to see them in full size and click at the very start of the black audio bar below to hear the recording while observing the pictures.


Audio Player


The photo of Tom & Jack outside the forge, with the audio was stumbled upon recently, when they were put online by historian John Tierney. We’d like to thank the Radley family for [read more …] “Tom Radley at his Forge in the Square”

Concert in aid of the Ethiopian Deaf Project

2014-02-08 Ethiopia Deaf Concert - Ronan Collins and his Big Band in the Celtic Ross HotelThe Ethiopian Deaf Project are a registered charity and totally voluntary group that are building a school and centre for deaf children in Ambo in Ethiopia.

To raise funds they are holding a great night out with Ronan Collins and his big band will be in concert singing all Joe Dolans classics on Saturday 8th February at The Celtic Ross Hotel, Rosscarbery.  Tickets only €22.50 available from the hotel.

Contact Miriam @  (023) 884872, or <email>