Our Christian Heritage in Evidence Today – Saturday 1st March 2014

Reminding us of the Feast of our National Saint - outside "Wordsworth" at the Square, Millstreet on Saturday, 1st March 2014.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Reminding us of the upcoming  Feast of our National Saint – outside “Wordsworth” at the Square, Millstreet on Saturday, 1st March 2014. Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)


Visiting members of the Legion of Mary addressed the congregation at Evening Mass.   And Stefan Healy, a Transition Year Student at Millstreet Community School gave a splendid account of the forthcoming Trócaire Sleep Outdoors Project on this Ash Wednesday.
Visiting members of the Legion of Mary addressed the congregation at Evening Mass.  And Stefan Healy, a Transition Year  Student at Millstreet Community School gave a splendid account at the same Mass  of the forthcoming Trócaire Sleep Outdoors Project by the Students and Teachers on this Ash Wednesday, 5th March 2014.
A very successful Cake Sale at Millstreet GAA Community Hall in aid of the Community School Students who are scheduled to travel to Lourdes later in the year.
A very successful Cake Sale at Millstreet GAA Community Hall in aid of the Community School Students who are scheduled to travel to Lourdes later in the year, took place on Saturday evening, 1st March 2014.


Parish Newsletter – 2nd March, 2014


8th  sunday in ordinary time 2nd March, 2014

Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.  Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948

Email:  <email>    www.dioceseofkerry.ie


10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS:             Jerry Corkery, Coomlogane; Gobnait O’Leary, Cullen; Joan Harte (nee Hickey), Millstreet & Cork.  [read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 2nd March, 2014”

Pavlovas Par Excellence at Carriganima on Friday!

Seán Murphy of "The Pub", Carriganima on Friday, 28th Feb. 2014 introduces us to the the three gifted Pavlova Bakers - From left - Matthew Twomey, Dolly Ring ( Instructor supreme) and Kenneth Forde.   Among those who enjoyed the delicious fresh Pavlova Desserts were Eddie Walsh and Caroline Forde.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Seán Murphy of “The Pub”, Carriganima on Friday, 28th Feb. 2014 introduces us to the the three gifted Pavlova Bakers – From left – Matthew Twomey, Dolly Ring ( Instructor supreme) and Kenneth Forde. Among those who enjoyed the delicious fresh Pavlova Desserts were Eddie Walsh and Caroline Forde. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

Pavlova Bake Project at Carriganima on 28th Feb. 2014Pavlova Bake Project at Carriganima on 28th Feb. 2014