Clara Loop Walk on Sunday Celebrating Bealtaine Festival 2014

Enthusiastic and energetic participants in Sunday's Clara Loop Walk were blessed with dry weather conditions and special refreshments provided by IRD Duhallow on their return from the 2 to 3 hour walk.   Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Enthusiastic and energetic participants in Sunday’s Clara Loop Walk were blessed with dry weather conditions and special refreshments provided by IRD Duhallow on their return from the 2 to 3 hour walk. Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

4Bealtaine Clara Loop Walk 2014 -800 2Bealtaine Clara Loop Walk 2014 -800

6Bealtaine Clara Loop Walk 2014 -8008Bealtaine Clara Loop Walk 2014 -800Here we share some further images from the beginning of the enjoyable and [read more …] “Clara Loop Walk on Sunday Celebrating Bealtaine Festival 2014”

Thank you, Noel

Perhaps the uplifting Tweet of  “Evening Echo” journalist, Pádraig Hoare when referring to the reaction of Cllr. Noel Buckley at the Election Count Centre when final results emerged last night:  “(Noel)…Conducted himself with outstanding class. All media present were struck by his dignity and graceful exit. A good man” …  so expresses the feeling of so many who over the past ten years have got to witness Cllr. Noel as such an approachable, cheerful and supremely dedicated local Councillor of Cork Co. Council who achieved so much for Millstreet Parish.   One clear example relates to his Trojan work in bringing about the reopening of Millstreet Museum and Tourist Information Centre.   There were numerous other projects with which Noel has been associated – all of which have had fruitful results.    We sincerely wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to both yourself Noel, Margaret and Family.   We wish you every happiness, fulfilment and excellent health for the future…and  hoping that your hugely regarded commitment to Millstreet will continue for many years to come. Your enormous contribution to our native parish of Millstreet has been utterly inspiring.   Míle, míle buíochas.  (S.R.)