Herlihy’s Centra Generous School’s Out Party This Afternoon

1Herlihy's Centra School's Out Party 26 June 2014 -800 2Herlihy's Centra School's Out Party 26 June 2014 -800 3Herlihy's Centra School's Out Party 26 June 2014 -800 4Herlihy's Centra School's Out Party 26 June 2014 -800Well done indeed to Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet for hosting a superb and very generous School’s Out Party this afternoon (Thursday, 26th June 2014) on the occasion of the beginning of the local Primary Schools’ Summer Holidays.   Here we include four images from the happy occasion.   A more comprehensive feature will follow later.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

GAA pitch in full swing


Pictures of the Millstreet under 8 football team at the blitz on Saturday last (21st) in the Town Park. It was one of the regular Monster Blitzs that Millstreet partake in and it was great to host the occasion when the weather was so great and Clara Mountain shone in the background. We had teams from Mallow, Cullen, Clondrohid, Dromtarriffe, Meelin… We have a wonderful town park – let’s use it as often as we can!! (pics thanks to Sinead)

2014-06-21 U8 Blitz in the Town Park 022014-06-21 U8 Blitz in the Town Park 03

6th Kup Green Belts

2014-06-20 Millstreet's new 6th Kup Green belts 04Five students from the Millstreet Taekwondo Club, Darragh O’Brien, Joshua O’Sullivan, Thomas Cronin, Diarmuid Cronin and Seamus O’Donoghue, progressed to 6th Kup Green belt level last Friday. This is a great achievement for the young men and a testament to the hard work and dedication on their part and the commitment and teaching skills of their mentor Mr. Don Dalton. Darragh & Joshua went on to win a Gold and Bronze Medal each at the IUTF Chon Ji tournament in Kanturk on Sunday. Both boys are pictured here sparring, performing Do-San Tul and receiving their Medals from Mrs. Patricia Dalton. Pics by Michael Delaney / Maura O’Sullivan
2014-06-20 Millstreet's new 6th Kup Green belts 032014-06-20 Millstreet's new 6th Kup Green belts 012014-06-20 Millstreet's new 6th Kup Green belts 02