Wonderfully Creative Christmas Crafts at Millstreet Library Today

Coordinated by Librarian Breda and superb Instructors Norma & Katie Guerin from Dromsicane, Millstreet the very talented young people created truly magical Christmas works of art with lots of colourful glitter and imaginative approaches.   What a real blessing it is to have such a very welcoming Library of the highest standard here in Millstreet.  Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Coordinated by Librarian Breda and superb Instructors Norma & Katie Guerin from Dromsicane, Millstreet the very talented young people created truly magical Christmas works of art with lots of colourful glitter and imaginative approaches. What a real blessing it is to have such a very welcoming Library of the highest standard here in Millstreet. Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

Christmas Crafts 2014

LTV2 Millstreet Prepares its Christmas Programme

Some of the dedicated LTV2 Millstreet Team preparing for Programme 243 - Our Christmas Special - pictured here in Studio - From Left: Jerry, Brendan, William, Bernard and Seán.  Thanks to Bernard our programmes is scheduled to be available online on the Millstreet Website by Christmas.  The recent official opening of the renovated Cullen Community Centre where we meet "the Magnificent Seven" will feature on this programme.  A very Happy Christmas to our many loyal viewers across the globe.  Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Some of the dedicated LTV2 Millstreet Team preparing for Programme 243 – Our Christmas Special – pictured here in Studio – From Left: Jerry, Brendan, William, Bernard and Seán. Thanks to Bernard our programme is scheduled to be available online on the Millstreet Website by Christmas. The recent official opening of the renovated Cullen Community Centre where we meet “the Magnificent Seven” will be one of our interesting features on this programme. A very Happy Christmas to our many loyal viewers across the globe. Click on the image to enlarge.   (S.R.)

Fr. James Shares Marvellous Images of Conor & Edel’s Wedding

The wedding is of Conor Kelleher (Aubane) and he got married to Edel Shine from Tullylease. The wedding was in St Bechert's Church, Tullylease and the chief celebrant was Fr Pat Gayer
 Conor Kelleher of Aubane, Millstreet and Edel Shine from Tullylease. The wedding on Sat. 20th Dec. 2014 was in St. Bechert’s Church, Tullylease and the chief celebrant was Fr .Pat Gayer.  We thank Fr. James McSweeney for the magnificent images and we are grateful to the Happy Couple for permission to share the  selection of images.   Every Happiness to Conor and Edel.  Click on the pictures to enlarge.    (S.R.)
From left:  Liam Dennehy, Ann-Marie Flynn, Conor Kelleher, Edel Shine, Shane Kelleher and Mairead Quinn.
From left: Liam Dennehy, Ann-Marie Flynn, Conor Kelleher, Edel Shine, Shane Kelleher and Mairead Quinn.
The extended Kelleher Family.
The extended Kelleher Family.

We share further images from [read more …] “Fr. James Shares Marvellous Images of Conor & Edel’s Wedding”

Wonderful Wedding of Rebecca & Mort on Saturday 20th Dec. 2014

We thank Rebecca & Mort for permission to share a selection of images from their wonderful wedding in St. Patrick's Church, Millstreet on Sat. 20th Dec. 2014.  Here we feature splendid pictures taken by Justin Black.    We shall feature further images later.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
We thank Rebecca Enright & Mort Ambrose for permission to share a selection of images from their wonderful wedding in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet on Sat. 20th Dec. 2014. Here we feature splendid pictures taken by Justin Black. We shall feature further images later. Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

Preview_DM7A1704-800These marvellous pictures feature on Justin Black Justborn Photography Facebook.   https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=783992588315040&id=289772827737021   Here are some [read more …] “Wonderful Wedding of Rebecca & Mort on Saturday 20th Dec. 2014”

Thank You to all the Community for Response to Homeless Appeal

2014-12-21 Maureen O'Sullivan and hamper packers - Hamper packersMaureen O Sullivan and her hamper Packers wishes to thank all in Millstreet / Boherbue for the wonderful donations of food and items for Cork Homeless Appeal 2014.

The Homeless men got their Hamper Bags last night.

Pictured is Maureen with some of her hamper packers.

Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.