The wonderfully popular Women’s Little Christmas Function will be held on Friday, 2nd January 2015 in the Wallis Arms Hotel. Doors open at 7pm and the meal (turkey and ham, dessert, tea/coffee) will be served at 8pm sharp. Music by “Back on Track”. Tickets priced at €25.00 for this event still available. Enquiries: Mairéad 087 903 1475. Many thanks to Mairéad for this important notice. (S.R.)
Day: January 2, 2015
Annual Swim in aid of Arthritis Ireland Funding Local Support Programme

There was a truly wonderful atmosphere at the Boeing Swim this year despite the rainy conditions and a fast moving Blackwater. Health and safety was strictly adhered to regarding the Swim with only very limited access to the water permitted. Here we share some more uplifting [read more …] “Annual Swim in aid of Arthritis Ireland Funding Local Support Programme”
Our Stats for 2014
In 2014 again had an increased in visitors to all parts of the site (we do wonder, but it shows no sign of stopping).
There were over 1.1 million page views across the year. It works out at 3,044 views a day on average from about 2,000 distinct (human) visitors. The pageviews are up from 933k in 2013 and have been rising every year since we were first recording them in 2009. Our home page was again by far the most popular page viewed with 714 thousand views over the year, as it really is the centre of the site.
We have about 2,500 Facebook followers, 264 Twitter followers, 100 subscribed to emails, but most of the visitors to the site now appear to be just regular visitors which is nice to see.
So, to those that are now putting articles up themselves (Seán, Hannelie, Bernard, John, and Rebbecca), regular contributors (Eily, and Sharon), to the countless people who shared news, photos, notices, and anything else with us, and to everyone who visited the site to keep up with the news and happenings … we’d just like to say Thank You, because without you we’re nothing, and we’d be a little less without any one of you.