wins the LAMA website award here at the Awards ceremony in Dublin … It has been a great honour to have been nominated … We congratulate Clontarf …. Very best wishes from the Millstreet website team here (in Dublin at the event) representing the overall website group … Hannelie, Michael and Seán …. Many thanks for your much appreciated support.
Day: January 24, 2015
Parish Newsletter – 25th January 2015
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – 25th January, 2015
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948
Email: <email>
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:
RECENT DEATHS: Kate Donnelly, Gneeveguilla; Sr. Enda Beasley, Sister of the Infant Jesus [read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 25th January 2015”
Off to the LAMA’s
Thanks to Michelle for sending us these photos of Seán and Hannelie leaving Millstreet Railway Station this morning on their way to the LAMA Awards in Dublin tonight.
Meanwhile, the third member of the team has only now dragged himself out of bed and has lots of work to do before driving up in the afternoon. Oh dear! 🙄
Transition Year Students Enjoy Social Event at Wallis Arms Hotel
![Transition Year Students from Millstreet Community School together with invited Guests enjoyed a special Social Event at the Wallis Arms Hotel on Friday, 23rd Jan. 2015. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)](
With great style in evidence and a very happy spirit the Students enjoyed a wonderfully refreshing and appetising meal followed by a disco with their favourite musical choices played by the excellent DJ. Here we share some futher images from this annual social [read more …] “Transition Year Students Enjoy Social Event at Wallis Arms Hotel”
Dr. Pat Casey Fifty Years a Dedicated G.P. in Millstreet on Friday, 23rd Jan.
![A wonderful Family Celebration marking exactly 50 years to the very day (Friday, 23rd Jan. 2015) when Dr. Pat Casey saw his first patient in the Wallis Arms Hotel where he resided when he first arrived in Millstreet. Addressing his wife, Nora and Family, Dr. Pat expressed heartfelt thanks to his Family and his Work Colleagues for much appreciated support in making the past 50 years so fruitful and uplifting. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)](
Sheila Fitzgerald will later have a special feature on the “Corkman” recalling this very special occasion. Sincere thanks, Dr. Pat, for fifty very busy years of superb care for the people of Millstreet Parish and beyond. Your dedication, approachability and marvellous community spirited attitude has been an inspiration to everyone. Every good wish and fulfilment in [read more …] “Dr. Pat Casey Fifty Years a Dedicated G.P. in Millstreet on Friday, 23rd Jan.”