Russell & Julia Brookes visited the home of John P & Eileen Kelleher today, after a fab weekend where Russell drove John’s 1991 Ford Cosworth, in the ’91 colours at the Copper Coast Challenge in Newross! (Article & photos thanks to Tom of TMC Photography Cork)
Day: April 8, 2015
Public Meeting Notice
Millstreet man, and new Cork North West Candidate Steven O’Riordan is holding a series of Public Meetings in the area in April.
Everyone is encouraged to go along and participate in the wide range of topics that are up for discussion, and the questions and answers session on the issues that affect you directly.
The meetings are to be held at:
- 21st April at 8pm, in the Wallis Arms Hotel, Millstreet
- 22nd April at 8pm in the Castle Hotel, Macroom
- 23rd April at 8pm in the Park Bar, Kanturk
For more information, contact Steven at 087-0674520
(Click the poster to see it full size)
Maintenance Rather than Checking Out the “Golden Eagles”!

The work is being carried out in brilliant sunshine as we enjoy such great Easter Week weather. Some more images [read more …] “Maintenance Rather than Checking Out the “Golden Eagles”!”
Easter Ceremonies 1916 in Millstreet
Easter 2015 is just gone, but here’s a look back at the Easter Ceremonies in Millstreet 99 years ago, and how different it was:
The impressive ceremonies connected with Holy Week were carried out with the customary solemnity in St.Patrick’s Parish Church, Millstreet. On Holy Thursday High Mass was celebrated at 10 o’clock, the celebrant being the Rev M. F. Scanlan, C.C.; deacon, the Rev. J. J. O’Sullivan, C.C, and the sub-deacon, Very Rev. J. Canon Casey, P.P., V.F. After Mass the Blessed Sacratment was taken from the High Altar to the Alter of Repose. The children of the Presentation Convent Schools, tastefully dressed, and the members of the Children of Mary Society, preceded by cross-bearcer and neolytes (sp?) . inarched in processional order round the Church. The Altar of Repose, where the Sacred Heart rested in a bank of flowers, and lit up by innumerable tapers, formed a beautiful spectacle, and was visited all day by a constant stream of devoted worshippers. On Good Friday Mass of the Pre-sanctified was celebrated by the Very Rev. J. Canon Casey, P.P., V.F., and tho Blessed Sacrament was taken back to the High Altar in processional order, as on Holy Thursday. All through theo day the Church was visited by worshippers, whose demeanour was most edifying. The glorious Feast of the Resurrection was celebrated with all the joy and splendour befitting the great occasion. At nine o’clock Mass, an eloquent sermon on the [read more …] “Easter Ceremonies 1916 in Millstreet”
Fr Jim Byrne, St. Patrick’s Mission Society (1915-1981)
Fr Jim Byrne was born at the RIC Barracks in the Square, Millstreet, Co. Cork on the 2nd of February, 1915. The son of Mary (Riordan) and William Byrne, he commenced his primary education from 1920 to 1923 at the Presentation Convent, Millstreet. He then re-located to Nottingham and pursued his primary education there form 1923 to 1925. The remainder of this stage of his education was at the Patrician Brothers Tullow, from 1925 to 1929. It was there he did his secondary education from 1929 to 1934. In 1934, he entered Kiltegan and was ordained in December, 1941. Due to war time travel restrictions, it was 1943 when he reached Nigeria.
He ministered in Calabar during the years 1943 to 1945. From that year until 1947, he served as Chaplain to the Nigerian armed forces. Having completed this stint, he returned to Calabar where he was to minister until 1961. In that year ill-health forced him to return to Ireland.
From 1964 to 1970, he served in the Diocese of Clifton in England and then in Westminster from 1970 to 1979, when he returned to Kiltegan. He remained there until his sudden death on the 10th of June, 1981.
from the St.Patrick’s Missionary Society website
Fr Jim (pictured on the left) at Urua Akpan in Nigeria (photo is from Holy Child West Aftica Missions – Return to Africa)
See the Society Cemetery in Kiltegan where Fr Jim was laid to rest (+ comment from his niece Mary O’Connor) [Find a Grave]
1915 February 2nd: Birth of James Byrne at the Barrack, Millstreet, to Mary Byrne (née Riordan) and William Byrne, Constable RIC.
Also: read about Fr. Jim’s father William Byrne who was an R.I.C. Constable and Sergeant in Millstreet from 1914 to 1922, his mother Mary Riordan, and his other siblings, on our article on them
Anti Litter Challenge 2015
Millstreet Tidy Town Association would like to invite one and all to take part in the Anti Litter Competition for 2015. It is potentially worth €1750 to the Millstreet Tidy Town Association. What has that to do with me I hear you ask ?
The annual spend for the Millstreet Tidy Town Association per annum is roughly between €9000 to €10000. This prize fund would go a long way to help aid our efforts in maintaining our beautiful town.
The first adjudication will take place on the 27th of April, so that only gives us 3 weeks. Everybody can help, even just by tidying up outside our own houses and surrounding footpaths. There will be Litter Pick Ups organised in the coming weeks. We would really appreciate if one and all got involved.
It won’t take long if we all do a small part. Why not get together with your neighbours and organise your own Litter Pick Up in your street.
We have a beautiful town and would love to be able to showcase this. Millstreet has won first prize in this competition in previous years. It would be great if we could do it again.