Work is underway to open the newly renovated and refurbished Gym at the Youth Centre Premises in September 2015. Any suitably qualified person interested in managing the Gym is invited to contact Millstreet Community Concil Committee Member Maura Kiely at 087 948 8849. (S.R.)
Day: June 19, 2015
Annual Cullen Feis on Sunday 21st June 2015
The Annual Cullen Feis takes place on Sunday, 21st June 2015 beginning at 12 noon. We thank Nóirín for this notice. (S.R.)
Kite Fest 2015 at Millstreet Country Park on Sunday 21st June
“Start, Promote & Grow Your Business” Meeting in Kanturk Tuesday 23 June

Start, Grow & Promote Your Business
Temperance Hall, Kanturk
Tuesday 23rd June, 8pm
A business event to support enterprise in North Cork, which is being organised by Áine Collins, Cork North West TD, will be held on Tuesday 23rd June at 8pm in Temperance Hall, Kanturk.
‘Start, Grow & Promote Your Business’, which will be free of charge to all businesses, is being organised in association with LEO North Cork and IRD Duhallow and will be an opportunity for businesses and people with a business idea that they wish to develop to come together to learn more about the supports that are available in the area. It will also be an opportunity to network with a wide range of businesses in North Cork. [read more …] ““Start, Promote & Grow Your Business” Meeting in Kanturk Tuesday 23 June”