‘One Good Idea 2016’ Competition for Schools

SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) is calling on primary and post primary students to enter ‘One Good Idea 2016’ competition and come up with creative ideas on how to tackle climate change. I would like to let schools in the millstreet and surrounding areas know about this initiative so that they get involved if possible – more on this competition can be seen at: http://www.seai.ie/Schools/One-Good-Idea/ …

We thank Declan O’Riordan,  Group Energy Manager, for this important notice.  (S.R.)

Wallis Arms Hotel Part-time Job Position

Wallis Arms
The Square Millstreet
Requires : Graphic Design Student (2nd or 3rd year).
Part-time position.
Poster & Flyer Design, Marketing Materials & Strategy, Social media co-ordinating.
Apply to Billy or Nigel with CV to sheahan.billy @gmail.com or 087 9944845.
We thank Billy for the notice.  (S.R.)