100th anniversary of the visit of Terence MacSwiney

MacswineyTerence MacSwiney became the full-time organiser of the Irish Volunteers in Cork in 1915 after the split with Redmond’s National Volunteers. He toured the county and spoke at Millstreet, helping to set up the companies that were later the backbone of the local resistance during the War of Independence:

“November 1st 1915, was a Fair Day in Millstreet. It was also a Church Holiday. Arrangements were made for a parade of the small group of local Volunteers and for a public meeting. Cork Brigade Headquarters sent Terence MacSwiney, who addressed the parade and the members of the public asking for recruits for the Irish Volunteers. Mr. Jeremiah O’Riordan, Corner House, a veteran of the Land League and an old Fenian, presided. As a result of the meeting three Companies were formed immediately, Millstreet, Rathduane and Mushera. Keale Company were established about a week later.”

(Con Meaney, Witness Statement No. 64 in the Bureau of Military History as published in “The ‘Boys’ of the Millstreet Battalion Area” by the AHS.)


(with thanks to Jack Lane of the Aubane Historical Society for this article)