Cartoon Characters “Tom & Jerry” at Mill View!

The very colourful scene at Mill View, Millstreet 2015 where the wonderfully creative John Lehane of Main Street has recently introduced a new "Friend" for Tom the black cat which has "resided" on the frontage of the cream house. Due to the work of Colman Culhane and the very dedicated Millstreet Tidy Towns Association Tom the black cat has been admired by many. Now "Jerry" the mouse takes up residence next door and even salutes Tom! Great to see such splendid features put in place adding to the uplifting atmosphere of Millstreet. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
The very colourful scene at Mill View, Millstreet 2015 where the wonderfully creative John Lehane of Main Street has recently introduced a new “Friend” for Tom the black cat which has “resided” for the past few years on the frontage of the cream house. Due to the work of Colman Culhane and the very dedicated Millstreet Tidy Towns Association Tom the black cat has been admired by many. Now, due to the artistic work of John Lehane “Jerry” the mouse takes up residence next door and even salutes Tom saying “Hi Tom”! Great to see such splendid features put in place adding to the uplifting atmosphere of Millstreet. Click on the images to enlarge (S.R.)

7Tom and Jerry at Mill View 2015

5Tom and Jerry at Mill View 2015All these extra creative additions to our area certainly help to further increase marks in the national Tidy [read more …] “Cartoon Characters “Tom & Jerry” at Mill View!”

Dromtariffe Active Club Tenth Anniversary Celebrations

On 7th Oct. 2015 Dromtariffe Active Club celebrated its 10th Anniversary extending invitation to All including the many members of the very active SAOI Network.
On 7th Oct. 2015 Dromtariffe Active Club celebrated its 10th Anniversary extending an invitation to All including the many members of the very active SAOI Network.  More images to follow later.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

4Dromtariffe Active Club 10th Anniversary -6002Dromtariffe Active Club 10th Anniversary -600Following the celebration of Mass a superb meal was served by the splendid IRD Duhallow Food Centre team while Pat Bucke provided magnificent music.   And excellent physical exercises were also demonstrated by a very enthusiastic Instructor with those present becoming actively involved in the very [read more …] “Dromtariffe Active Club Tenth Anniversary Celebrations”