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Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
The Lighthouse, Millstreet is excited to publish this year’s Christmas events:
During advent we will extend our normal opening time so that we will be open Thursday mornings 9.30am-12-30pm and each Saturday in December 1pm-4pm.
We have a selection of Christmas gifts, cards, books and CD’s.
We continue with themed informal bible study each Tuesday at 7.30pm new comers welcome.
Our advent services are held each Sunday evening at 6.30pm Sunday service on 13th December will include a live Nativity.
Carol service on 20th December will be held outside in the square where we invite anyone to come along and join in the celebration, followed by tea and mince pies.
Our Christmas service will be at the Lighthouse at 6.30pm on 24th December. Prayers will be said for all Millstreet residents during this time. If you have a particular need that you would like us to include in our prayers please feel free to call in or drop a note or just a name or initial through the door.
Wishing you all a joyful and peaceful Christmas.
A number of organisations, including Trocaire have organised a march to mark the beginning of the Climate Change Conference (COP 21) which will begin at the start of December 2015 in Paris. It will be the largest gathering of world leaders for such a gathering. Among the aims of the conference is the agreement on legally binding targets for all countries to adhere to with regards the level of carbon emissions they are responsible for. Marches will be taking place in Dublin, Belfast as well as Cork on Sunday 29th November to show the leaders attending the conference that ordinary people want them to set these targets and to take meaningful steps towards counteracting the causes of global warming, the effects of which have a particularly devastating impact on poor communities in developing countries.
This is a reminder that the People’s Climate March in Cork City will begin at 2pm on Sunday 29th November where the Grand Parade and Oliver Plunkett Street intersect. It’s an event for all ages.