The making of Cards and Scarves for the Simon Community and also in aid of St. Vincent de Paul at Derrinagree N.S. before Christmas was a truly inspiring project of which all can feel so very proud. Sincere congratulations to All involved at Derrinagree N.S.. We thank Pam Thornton for the excellent picture. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)
Derrinagree NS children from 3rd & 4th classes who donated their handmade hats, scarves & snoods to the Simon Community in Cork. They also made Christmas Cards for people without a home this Christmas. A delegation from the school delivered these special gift packs & helped pack the hampers in Cork on a Friday night before Christmas.
Thank you especially to Margaret Crean,(past pupil of Derrinagree) for her part in inspiring our school to help the homeless in Cork. A big thank you also to the expert Derinagree Knitting Ladies who’s knitting workshops with 1st- 6th Classes every Wednesday resulted in all concerned being very proud of the finished products!
6th Class Children of Derrinagree NS who every year organise a Food collection for St. Vincent de Paul. A big ‘Thank you’ to all who donated for this very worthy local cause.
We thank Fr. James McSweeney for as always sending us some magnificent images from the Annual BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. Fr. James is there with his own Bantry School where he is Chaplain and below he has shared a wonderful selection of pictures relating to the superb Representatives from Millstreet Community School. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Group of students with teachers Shane Guerin and Denise O’Leary.
Kate Buckley, Noelle Healy and Kaytlin Murphy with their project on ‘A qualitative study into lichens and the properties of their dyes using our school’s native trees’.Dervla Murphy, Jamie O’Connor and Lauryn Kiely with their project on ‘A county by county happiness index for Irish teens’.Shane Hickey, James Cronin and Pádraig Moynihan with their project on ‘Why do some Irish towns have high immigrant populations?’ [read more …] “Fr. James McSweeney’s Splendid Coverage of MCS at 52nd BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition”
We thank Teacher Shane Guerin for these three superb images from the RDS, Dublin where the 52nd BT Young Scientist Exhibition is currently taking place. Every success to the inspiring Students and what a tremendous experience it is for them not only meeting with VIPs but also witnessing a vast range of fascinating projects. We shall also be sharing pictures from Fr. James McSweeney which we’ve also just received. The financial help and support given by Millstreet Community Council for this annual educational project is greatly appreciated by Millstreet Community School. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
From left back row: Kate Buckley, Padraig Moynihan, Jamie O’Connor James Cronin and Shane Hickey. Front from left: Noelle Healy. Katelyn Murphy. Serval Murphy. Lauryn KielyNoelle, Katelyn and Kate with President Michael D. Higgins and his wife.Pádraig, James and Shane with Vincent Browne.