On 24 April 1916 over 300 men from companies from Mourneabbey, Mallow, Kilmona, Whitechurch, Donoughmore, Castletownroche, Courtbrack, Nadd, Lyre, and Lombardstown marched to Bweeng where they were addressed by Tomás MacCurtain. Also present were Terence McSwiney, Michael Lynch, and Thomas Kent.
The committee organising the re enactment of the event at Bweeng on Sunday 24 April 2016 wish to invite the people Macroom, Millstreet and the wider area to join us.
Please contact members of the committee for information:
Tim Sheehan 0872593791 / Sean Kelly 0872447867 / Michel O’Neill 0863762212
Centenary Commemoration of the 1916 Rising in conjunction with Racing Home for Easter Festival
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