Transition Year Students studying Barn Owls and Kestrels

2016-03 Millstreet Tidy Towns - Transition Year Project 2016 with Tony Keneally, Wildlife BiologistMillstreet Tidy Town Association are delighted to announce that this year again Tony Keneally, Wildlife Biologist will be running a project with the Transition Year Students of Millstreet Community School. The Transition Year Students have made Nest Boxes for Barn Owls and Kestrels and the Transition Year Students will endeavour to study these magnificent birds. [read more on the project] | @millstreettidyt | Facebook:Millstreet Tidy Town
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‘Make your Mark for Climate Justice’ at 6.30pm Mass in Millstreet on Sat. 12th March

(banners designed and painted by Natalia and Paulina Raducka)

pull-up2-1000pull-up1-1000A Transition Year RE class has been working on a project relating to climate change over the last two months. It is called ‘Make your Mark for Climate Justice’. It is inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si in which he called on all humans to play an active part in caring for the planet. The project is based on a campaign run by SMA Wilton Justice and Peace office, which involved people making a pledge to make a difference in their everyday life, for example, by turning off the tap when cleaning teeth, unplugging phone chargers when not in use, and not leaving electrical equipment on standby. As a sign of their pledge, each person was invited to place their thumbprint on a specially prepared card that they could then bring home as a reminder. A small group of TY students from Millstreet Community School will be inviting parishioners in Millstreet on Saturday 12th March at 6.30pm Mass to do likewise.