Very Successful Annual Coffee Morning coordinated by Mary Fitzgerald for Daffodil Day 2016

The Annual Coffee Morning coordinated by Mary Fitzgerald for Daffodil Day in March 2016 amounted to a wonderfully impressive €1,170.00.  Sincere thanks to everyone who made this important event such a great success.  (S.R.)

Lotto results – 29th March

Here are the results of this weeks Parish Lotto Draw which was herld at McCarthys Bar on Monday night.

Numbers Drawn were  1, 7, 25, 27 and the Jackpot was not won.

€100 went to Tina Brown ,Kilmurry. The Seller was Noreen Tarrant and she got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Gretta Healy Kilorglin, €20 each to John c/o Michelle Whelan, Karen Murphy Gneeveguilla, Matt Murphy, Minor Row, Jerry Daly, Clara, Annette McSweeney Killarney Rd.  Finn, Josie & Callum, Killarney Rd. Supermac c/o Breda. Rebecca Cremin, Sandpit

Jackpot for Next week €8,800 the draw at the ClaraInn on Sunday night.