Parish Newsletter – 24th April 2016

Fifth Sunday of Easter – 24th April, 2016
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948
Email: <email>
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Sr. Emilie Nagle, Infant Jesus Sister; Judy Burke, Kilnamartyra; Adam Neville, Liscahane.

Mass Intentions this Week-end:
Saturday 23rd April:
Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m.                  Florrie & Nannie O’Donoghue, Lackabawn
Sunday 24th April:
Ballydaly   9.00 a.m.                            Mass for People of the Parish
Cullen      10.15 a.m.                          
John & Mary Naughton, Ahane
Millstreet 11.30 a.m.                          Kitty & Arthur Moynihan, Flintfield

Anniversaries: Victor O’Hare, Cloghoulamore; Jeremiah & Bridget O’Connor, Cloghoulabeg; Denis & Abina Lehane, Gneeves; Danny Creedon, Liscahane; John Kelleher, Drishane Road; Frank O’Riordan, Dromsicane; Timothy Corkery, Dooneen; Julia Cronin, Tureencahill. [read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 24th April 2016”

Death Notice: Adam Neville, Liscahane

NEVILLE (Millstreet): On April 22, 2016, unexpectedly, at his residence, Liscahane, ADAM, beloved son of Edmond and Marian. Sadly missed by his family, sisters Claire and Amy, brothers Matthew and Mark, grandfather Matt McAuliffe, uncle Gerald, aunts Pat and Nora, cousins, neighbours, relatives and friends, Marian’s partner Tom and Edmond’s partner Britta and family. R.I.P.

Reposing at Tarrant’s Funeral Home, Millstreet today, Saturday, from 6.30pm, with removal at 8pm to St Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. Requiem Mass tomorrow, Sunday, at 11.30am. Funeral afterwards to St Mary’s Cemetery, Millstreet.

Magnificent Musical Drama “Patrick” in Rathmore this Weekend

We thank John O'Sullivan for alerting us to this highly significant 1916 Play in Rathmore. An extra performance (due to the enormous interest in the production) has been added for Monday night. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
We thank John O’Sullivan and John Wall for alerting us to this highly significant 1916 Play in Rathmore. An extra performance (due to the enormous interest in the production) has been added for Monday night, 25th April 2016. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
The Kitchen Scene being rehearsed with (from left) Brian O'Leary, Mary O'Leary, Margaret O'Sullivan and John O'Sullivan.
The Kitchen Scene being rehearsed with (from left) Brian Hickey, Mary Hickey, Margaret O’Sullivan and John O’Sullivan.
The soldiers are lead by John O'Sullivan playing Dan Dennehy They are mostly made up of the Glenflesk Men's Choir with additional Voluntary support !!!
The soldiers are led by John O’Sullivan playing Dan Dennehy.  They are mostly made up of the Glenflesk Men’s Choir with additional Voluntary support!

Preparing the May 2016 Issue of “Duhallow Today”

Preparing the May 2016 issue of "Duhallow Today" - Justin Black and Niall O'Brien. Issue 1 was a superb success with many commenting on the excellent design, splendid photography and excellent articles. to access further information click on the following link: (S.R.)
Preparing the May 2016 issue of “Duhallow Today”Justin Black and Niall O’Brien. Issue 1 was a superb success with many commenting on the excellent design, splendid photography and excellent articles. One may also read Issue 1 online.  To access further information click on the following link:  (S.R.)