Day: June 16, 2016
Derinagree Fundraiser TOMORROW
“Moveathon” at Town Park on Friday
The very popular annual “Moveathon” event involving Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet B.N.S. takes place in Millstreet Town Park on this Friday, 17th June 2016 from 9.30 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.. No interruption will occur for the many daily Park visitors who are increasingly using the superb walking path and the 24 fitness machines. We thank Mr. O’Connor, Principal for this important notice. (S.R.)
Icon Cleaning Services
Icon Cleaning Services
We provide professional cleaning services for Domestic and Commercial customers:
- Carpet/ Rug/ Upholstery and Mattress Cleaning
- Leather Cleaning
- Car Valeting
- Once Off and Regular Home Cleaning
- Office Cleaning
We guarantee the highest quality service at a price you can afford.
Call Thomas: 0874198214
Camogie Schools Champions
Congratulations to the Presentation National School Camogie Team on their victory over Meelin N.S. in the Duhallow Schools Final yesterday. Below is a video of the team returning to the school.
Video is from the Presentation NS Website
Sheepdog Found at Station Road
This black and white sheepdog was found at Station Road, Millstreet on Monday 13th of june at 12. There is a chain around its neck. Contact <email> for more details.
Saint Johns GAA – Fun Run / Walk
Just a quick note to say thank you to everyone that
participated in our Fun walk/run last Sunday June 12th.
Also a thank you to anybody that helped to organise and
publicise the event – from Saint Johns GAA Club