![Sr. Eileen Barry's Class of the late 1980s with Breda at the Library. One of the many groups always accorded a royal and warm welcome by Breda at Millstreet Library. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)](http://www.millstreet.ie/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/85-Pupils-of-Presentation-Convent-2nd-Row-2nd-Left-Mairead-Roch-1000-600x403.jpg)
Day: October 2, 2016
Visiting Millstreet for Anniversary Mass
Shandrum Céilí Band’s Homecoming Night in Mallow on Fri. 14th Oct.
The Shandrum Céilí Band are having a homecoming night on Friday 14th October 2016 in the Hibernian Hotel, Mallow at 8.30pm to celebrate their victory and also the victory of anyone who won medals at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann for CCÉ Craobh Chrónáin (Freemount). Prizewinners performing on the night include the Shandrum Céilí Band, the 15-18 Crossfields Céilí Band, Craobh Chrónáin Set Dancers and many more. There will be a cover charge on the night. We thank Miriam O’Sullivan for this important notice and we extend sincere congratulations to All the superbly talented musicians, singers and dancers who were so very successful in the recent national Fleadh at Ennis. (S.R.)