Eily’s Report – 11th October


Dia is Mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to my weekly Report from Millstreet.

The County Council workers were repairing and renewing many of our footparts  in the town and preparing the way at the West End for a much needed Zebra crossing.

There is a marked increase in the number of our young people returning home from Australia and other foreign parts to settle at home,  which is pushing up the demand for housing. And many properties which have been on the market for some time are suddenly being bought up. Further to that a lot of old properties are being bought up and renovated and will be on the market in due course. And as the rising tide raises all craft, our shops and stores are also reaping  the benefit from this welcome upsurge in the market.

Alps Electric are now employing in the region of 800, with ancillaries in their wake also employing extra staff.

Please support your local services and stores, always try at home before going elsewhere to buy you requirements.


The monthly meeting of the Community Council will be held at the Wallis Arms Hotel tonight at 9. All members please attend.


Our Tidy Towns committee held a very pleasant function at the Clara Inn on Wednesday night at which many of our local residents were lauded for their efforts in making Millstreet a better place. Best Frontage, Best Garden etc. It was an extra enjoyable event following their wonderful successes in this years Anti Litter Campain and the National Finals where they received a bronze medal plus 6 extra points. On behalf of our community I want to congratulate all involved.

And please be reminded that the battle goes on to keep our place clean and tidy. So do your bit, its great to be part of a winning team.

The Committee were happy recently to welcome the popular Roger Cresswell, who came specially from his home in England to celebrate their highly successful season.

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