The death has occurred of Jerome Brosnan, Cork Street, Macroom, Milllstreet & Kanturk. On February 24th 2017, in the excellent and loving care of all at Cork University Hospital, in the presence of his family. Jerome, husband of the late Kitty (nee Daly, Millstreet) deeply regretted by his loving family Cora, Eugene, John, Bernard sister Maureen, daughters-in-law Nessa, Hannah, Noreen, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and friends. Reposing in Fitz-Geralds Funeral Home, Macroom on Saturday from 7pm with prayers at 8.15 followed by removal to St. Colman’s Church, Macroom. Funeral on Sunday after 12 Noon Mass to Kanturk Cemetery. May he rest in peace.