Parish Newsletter – 26th February, 2017


Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 26th February, 2017
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.  Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948
Email:  <email>
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Sr. Florence O’Sullivan, Drishane House.

Mass Intentions this Week-end:
Saturday 25th February:
Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m.                  Peter Roche, Drishanebeg
Sunday 26th February:
Ballydaly   9.00 a.m.
Cullen      10.15 a.m.                           Mary O’Sullivan, Two Gneeves
Millstreet 11.30 a.m.                          Sonny & Ann Marie Murphy, Clarabeg

Anniversaries: Maureen Moran, Ballyvouskil; Seanie Murphy, Cloghoulabeg; Timothy & Mary Dineen, Carrigacooleen; Andrew Hickie, The Square; John & Mary Ellen Radley, The Square; Margaret, William & the deceased members of the Radley Family, Minor Row; Daniel Duggan, Claraghatlea; Jerry Corkery, Coomlogane;  Patrick Dineen, Knocknapogue; Margaret Casey, Tooreenbawn; Madge Kelleher, Aubane;  Tom Enright, Newcastlewest; Mick Desmond, Glenleigh; Tom O’Mahony, Millstreet & Boherbue.  [read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 26th February, 2017”

Postman Supreme Noel Keating Honoured in Aubane

Postman Supreme Noel Keating was very especially honoured at Aubane Community Centre on Friday night, 24th Feb. 2017 following his recent retirement from his many years of dedicated service in An Post to the people of Aubane and far beyond.  Here we share images from the wonderfully uplifting occasion.  (S.R.)

Noel pictured with many of his co-workers in An Post.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Sgt. Michael Kelly, Noel Keating and Coordinator John F. Kelleher.
Aubane Community salutes Noel.

And we share a further 30 pictures from the superb occasion. [read more …] “Postman Supreme Noel Keating Honoured in Aubane”