Good morning, I’m just contacting you on the off chance that you might be able to help. Is it possible to get to the top of Clara mountain without walking? My mum is from Millstreet and we are bringing her home to celebrate her 80th birthday. Whilst we ourselves are planning on doing the climb, unfortunately sprightly for her years, mum will not be able to do the climb herself. I she would dearly love to touch the cross again, as will we. Is there anyway you can think of that we can get her up there? Many thanks.
Admin: I’m not sure who would be able to do this. At the Mass on top of Clara in 2000, a double wheeled tractor ferried people to the top in a modified transport box. Maybe there’s another way. The lady is back in Millstreet from the 5th to the 11th of August, and would be extremely grateful if someone could help her.
If you can help, please contact Claire at: <email> , leave a message below, or contact the site admins.