Day: June 29, 2018
Hottest Day in Millstreet Since 1976!
Yes, Thursday 28th June 2018 was officially the hottest day in Ireland … including Millstreet … since 1976. And believe it or not but today (Friday, 29th June 2018) is beginning to look like it’s going to even surpass this with in-car temperatures displaying 33 and 34 degrees centigrade! We shall certainly be referring in the future to the Long Hot Summer of 2018! The following sixteen images records Thursday as we experienced it in Millstreet Town, at the Boeing near the River Blackwater in Dooneen, Millstreet Railway Station, the River Finnow at Dooneen … and ending with a glorious sunset to which we have grown accustomed during this rare summer weather. We noted the tar melting on roads and how warm it looked along the rail tracks. Click on the many images to enlarge. (S.R.)