We thank Dympna Kirke (formerly of West End, Millstreet) for sharing this fascinating feature on the direct link both Dympna and her Students had in the recent highly prestigious Bloom Event 2019. Dympna writes: “Seán – I spoke to you about a Postcard Garden I did for Bord Bia Bloom 2019 with the students of Loreto College, St. Stephen’s Green. These Postcard Gardens are open to all organisations nationwide. The gardens are chosen based on the quality of the submission and the likelihood of the garden to meet the standards set out by the organisers of the festival. The Postcard Gardens are 3m wide, 2.4m high and 2m deep. This year Bord Bia Bloom received many submissions but could only accept a maximum of 14 Postcard Gardens so we were delighted to be accepted.