MOTOR CAR ACCIDENT NEAR Millstreet, Saturday. An accident, which might have been very serious, happened near this town on yesterday evening, the particulars of which have only now come to hand.
A motor car bearing the Earl and Countess of Kerry arrived at Millstreet, and the party having had lunch at Vanstan’s Hotel, proceeded on their way to Killarney en route to Derreen House, after their honeymoon trip. The other occupants were a ladysmaid and the chaffeur.
After carefully looking over and supplying the machine with its oil fuel they started on their journey at about five o’clock. In trying to escape collision with some of the carts and cars opposite Howard’s Hotel, a little child named Cornelius Stokes had narrow escape from being run over. The speed as they went along towards Killarney must have been much accelerated. At Ferm Bridge, Ballydaly, three miles from the town, it was noticed to be bounding along the road, and ultimately plunged into the dyke at the roadside, where it ploughed onwards for about 30 yards, tearing the face of the fence. The Countess of Kerry was thrown over the fence, but luckily fell into a piece of cut away bog, and was only stunned for a short time, and after the assistance of her maid quickly recovered. The other occupants, the Earl, the maid, and the chaffeur were quite uninjured, but got a severe shock. [read more …] “Was this the first Motor Car Accident in Millstreet?”