For sale good quality turf sold by the bag.
Price €4 per bag.
Can deliver.
Contact 087 9845890
Day: August 12, 2019
Key found near Dairygold
A key was found in the vicinity of Dairygold on Saturday night.
Enquiries to Millstreet Garda Station.
Childminder Wanted
Childminder Wanted
Cullen area early morning hours.
Some weekends involved.
Please contact 0879791819
Found Dog
Mass on Clara Mountain in May 2000 & Plaque Unveiling
Millstreet Museum Society and Millstreet Website Team very much appreciate the wonderfully uplifting generous response to our recent Church Gate Collection in Millstreet. The €2, 275.98 + €50.00 will greatly permit us maintain the two important local resources….meeting the costs (re the website) of web server and domain name….and (re Museum) the costs of insurance, heating, lighting and ongoing development. Special thanks to Millstreet Community Council and Millstreet Local Lottery for splendid support. And to those who contributed from abroad and who have direct Millstreet links – grateful thanks to All. One may assist anytime throughout the year by using our dedicated Bank Account the number of which is: IBAN – IE22 BOFI 9058 0334 0531 43 & BIC – BOFIIE2D.
And so to our most recent delving into our Visual Archive of Millstreet Museum. The date is 21st May 2000 when hundreds of people climbed (or were transported on the back of Tony Healy’s Tractor!) Clara Mountain marking the 50th Anniversary of the placement of the original Cross on Clara Mountain in 1950. Mass was concelebrated in the presence of Millstreet Pipe Band and a wide cross section of people from near and far. It was Tadhg O’Driscoll who unveiled the official stone plaque. Here we share some 24 images from the truly historic occasion. Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Mass on Clara Mountain in May 2000 & Plaque Unveiling”