R.I.C. Personnel in Millstreet

In this page we try to track all of the R.I.C. personnel that were active in Millstreet.

Nominal Return Books

At the start of each year, the Royal Irish Constabulary (R.I.C.) gave a nominal return (listing) of all personnel in each county with details of their service number, rank, name, barrack, religion, appointment date, marriage status, and sometimes other information. The R.I.C. remained in Millstreet until January/February 1922 when the force was disbanded, and the Barrack in the Square was taken over. Below are the details of the personnel listed in those nominal returns for the Millstreet Barrack which are available for the years 1910, 1911, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, and 1921:

8th Jan 1910

Service # Rank Name Religion Appointment Date  
52443 Sgt Mulcahy Patrick RC 25-4-87 /
56316 Bransfield John RC 01/02/94 M
43535 Con Cahill Martin RC 08/02/78 M
56899 Flynn John
RC 01/05/95 M
58402 Sullivan Thomas RC 15/08/98 M
56257 Patrick Sheehan [notes] RC 02/01/94 M

Dooneen  Protection Post:
63167 O’Connell William J RC 14.10.07 S Dooneens PP [find]
53887 Benjamin Jenkins (Jenkinson?) Protestant! 23.7.89 married Dooneens PP [notes]

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