The following email and map have been submitted to our website which we now share. Tap on the map to enlarge. (S.R.)
Ballinagree Wind Farm
Some of you might have heard “something” about the proposed development being referred to as The Ballinagree Wind Farm. Many people have heard nothing about it and those that have probably think that it has nothing to do with us as it is outside our area. However the perimeter of the windfarm comes to within ¾ of a mile of St. John’s Well and within a mile of The Kerryman’s Table. It also crosses the Millstreet / Rylane road at the car park –see map attached. The area highlighted in yellow is the proposed site and approximately 60% of this area is owned by Coillte.
This means that this development should be of serious concern to the people of Kilcorney, Aubane, Tullig and Millstreet and all surrounding areas.
These wind-turbines can be heard from in excess of a mile away on a calm or frosty day yet the developers can get planning permission to site them as close as 500 meters from a dwelling house – this is less than a third of a mile. This does not even begin to take into account the desecration of an area of great natural beauty or their detrimental effect on people with certain medical conditions.
Everyone needs to make themselves aware of what is planned and make an informed decision regarding whether or not they want this development to proceed in our area.
Details of an information evening / meeting will be posted at a later date.
On a broader level the Government is currently conducting a public consultation on the “Revised Wind Energy Development Guidelines” which will close on Wednesday Feb. 19th. 2020. This is an opportunity to have your say regarding Wind Energy and how it impacts on local communities. You can make your submissions by email to the following – <>; or by writing to the following address:
WEDG Review Submissions,
Planning Policy and Legislation Section
Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government,
Custom House,
Dublin 1,
D01 W6X0.
This is an opportunity to have your say that will not present itself again and should not be missed.