Young Environmentalist Awards 2020 Peoples Choice Voting

With their project from the2020  Young Scientist Awards, David, Úna and Finn are now in the running for the ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards – People’s Choice and are looking for some assistance to secure some votes! If you can spare a minute to help them, CLICK  HERE to cast your vote and use the code 2020-356 [read more …] “Young Environmentalist Awards 2020 Peoples Choice Voting”

Lest We Forget (19) – March 22nd-27th 1920

The Following are the Acts of Aggression Committed in Ireland by the armed forces of the usurping English Government — as reported in the Daily Press — for the week ending MARCH 27th, 1920.

The Sentences passed for political offences during the above six days totalled 6 years, 8 months, and 2 weeks.

MONDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1920

RAIDS:- In the course of a military “drive” through West Kerry, police and military raided upward of twenty houses. An extensive police and military raid was carried out on the premises of Mr. James O’Meara, Connaught Street, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. The flooring of the bedrooms was taken up and considerable damage done to the interior fittings of the house. Police and military raided the houses of the following persons in Monaghan:- Prof. O’Duffy; Messrs. C.A. Emerson; G. McEneany; J.E. McCabe; J. McDonald; P.J. McCann; and D. Horgan.
Four private houses were raided in South Kilkenny by military and police. Police and military raided a house at Wood Quay, Galway, and searched the rooms of a Catholic Priest who [was] staying in the house.  [read more …] “Lest We Forget (19) – March 22nd-27th 1920”

Millstreet Museum’s New Email Address

For decades our email address at Millstreet Museum has been millstreetmuseum .   From Monday, 11th May 2020 this email address will no longer apply.   Our new email address going forward is now millstreetmuseum .

Carnegie Hall – Home of Millstreet Museum

Mass Broadcast Schedule This Week on Cork Music Station

Schedule of Radio Broadcasts of Masses from St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet with Celebrant Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. on Cork Music Station  This Week 

Mass on Sunday, 10th May 2020 at 11.30 am  for People of the Parish.

Our Weekday Broadcasts of Mass will be preceded daily at 9.35 am by the Recitation of the Rosary during the month of May.

Mass on Monday (11th) for John Sherlock, Skibbereen at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Tuesday (12th) for Hannie & Jackie Lane, Aubane at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (13th) for John O’Shea, Millstreet & Aughrim (recently deceased) at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Thursday (14th) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (15th May) for Jack Healy, Kilmeedy  at 10.00a.m.

To make contact with Cork Music Station :

Email corkmusicstation

Candlelit Procession in Knock, Co. Mayo – July 2016. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)