(Update: Already within the first 15 minutes of launching our Go Fund Me page we have received greatly appreciated support from Rebecca, Michael & Siobhán, Ann. Patrick from USA continues to support Millstreet based projects in a most generous manner. Míle buíochas, dear Friends.)
Although we have our annual permit for the holding of our Annual Church Gate Collection for this coming weekend 1st & 2nd August 2020 we shall not be holding this Collection due to COVID-19. Instead, for this year, we are setting up a Go Fund Me page to afford the opportunity of supporting the two local community-based voluntary services – Millstreet Museum & Millstreet Website. Running costs at our Museum include annual insurance of €1,000.00 plus lighting, heating and development expenses while for the Millstreet Website we have hosting and domain name costs.
One can visit our Go Fund Me page by clicking this Go Fund Me link.
Our main source of funding for Millstreet Museum and the Millstreet Website is through an Annual Church Gate Collection in August. This year, however, due to COVID-19 we cannot hold this Collection. Thus we extend an invitation to our Supporters to kindly consider contributing towards this Go Fund Me appeal so that we as Volunteers can continue to make our Museum and Website Services available. The running costs of both are quite substantial. We greatly appreciate any contribution received. Sincere thanks also for the wonderful words of encouragement we constantly receive regarding the provision of these two community-based important Services. Míle buíochas – Seán Radley, Curator Millstreet Museum & Team Member of Millstreet Website.

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