“Lunchtime Favourites” After 11.30 a.m. Mass on CMS Sunday 4th Oct. 2020 Until 1.30pm

We invite you to submit your Requests for our weekly Music Request Show “Lunchtime Favourites” (Sunday, 4th Oct. 2020) on Cork Music Station which is broadcast directly after our transmission of the celebration of 11:30 am Mass from 12:10pm until 13:30.   Just email your requests anytime either to corkmusicstation @gmail.com OR to millstreetmuseum @gmail.com or text/WhatsApp to 086 825 0074

Millstreet Church Virtual Choir will begin this Sunday singing the entrance and recessional hymns while Deirdre Tracey will play two organ tunes during the celebration of Mass.

A new dimension to our weekly “Lunchtime Favourites” Show is being introduced this Sunday.   It all emerges from a suggestion we received from Millstreet Active Retirement Association:  It is very creatively suggested that we introduce the new idea in the following manner:  “A very special welcome today to all our Friends in Millstreet Active Retirement Association who because of the present Covid restrictions in place cannot resume the weekly dancing and yoga in the chair classes we all enjoyed so much.
So, my dear friends, like Din Joe in The Good Old Days, I invite you all to Take The Floor and dance, march and exercise to your heart’s content over the next hour of our weekly “Lunchtime Favourites”.
Let’s start the ball rolling with a selection of lively marches. Here we go….”  And I can promise you a wide variety of wonderfully rhythmic tunes – where one will wish to dance, waltz and relax.

We shall be chatting about the images below and referring to an upcoming interview with Stefan Healy and also the creative and very useful invention recently launched in Dungarvan.   And of course we shall be playing the very best of songs and musical selections for our global audience.   This week we also continue our focus on songs from around Ireland on our “Grand World Musical Tour of Ireland”  Tap on the pictures to enlarge.  Happy Listening!  (S.R.)

St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet from where we broadcast Sunday Mass live at 11.30am.   This photo was taken on Friday night with the moon behind the Church while (pictured below) at 7am on Friday morning it was a case of the Moon Beside the Hill as distinct from the Moon Behind the Hill (of Clara)!

Liam Flynn using the Fogger to sanitise the closed Church following Mass. We shall upload a full feature later on this very impressive procedure.
The Millstreet Studio of Cork Music Station from where we broadcast our weekly Sunday Mass and “Lunchtime Favourites” Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
The Current Issue of “Discover Duhallow” (now in the shops) is No. 27 and is now celebrating its first birthday. The very successful free magazine devotes a full page of images relating to Millstreet in this first anniversary Issue. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

[read more …] ““Lunchtime Favourites” After 11.30 a.m. Mass on CMS Sunday 4th Oct. 2020 Until 1.30pm”

Millstreet Parish Newsletter 4th October 2020



Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time –

4th October  2020

Canon John Fitzgerald P.P.   

Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948

Email:  millstreet @dioceseofkerry.ie    www.dioceseofkerry.ie



10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following: 

Mass Intentions this Weekend:

Saturday 3rd October:

Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. Catherine & Seán Buckley, The Hall, Kilcorney

Sunday 4th October:

Ballydaly   9.00 a.m. Dan Mulcahy, Aunagloor

Cullen      10.15 a.m.             Pauline O’Sullivan, Lisnaboy

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   Patrick (Pa) Buckley, Aunagloor;

Tim Dennehy, Knockraha & Murphy’s Terrace     

Anniversaries:      Theresa Casey, Clara Road; Nora Dennehy, Gneeves; Martin Moran, Ballyvouskil; Patrick Murphy, Dooneen; Patrick O’Sullivan, Killarney; Margaret Tarrant, Gortavehy; Cathriona Foley, Cork & Lisnaboy; Frank & Cathy O’Riordan and their daughter Margaret Kelleher; Mary Dineen, Laharn; Dan & Eily Keane, Ballymacelligott; Noel Murray, Donoughmore; Jerry O’Donoghue, Fethard.     [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter 4th October 2020”