Day: October 23, 2020
Scarecrows of Dooneen
A Very Happy Retirement to Dedicated Teacher Mary Randles
At Millstreet Community School on Thursday, 22nd Oct. 2020 a surprise celebratory event marking the retirement of wonderfully dedicated Teacher, Mary Randles was organised by Principal, Pól Ó Síodhcháin & Staff. Mary has spent almost four decades as Teacher supreme mainly at Millstreet Community School where she had also been a Student herself. The joyful occasion took place mainly online where many logged in from their own homes. Teacher Jennifer O’Donoghue paid a splendid tribute to Mary as did Pól and Barry and Deputy Principal Frances and two Students. We thank Teacher, Chris Horan for sharing four images recorded in the School showing the presentation of beautiful gifts to Mary including superb Artwork pottery and Painting by Artist Barry Fraser. Here we share a selection of images from the memorable occasion. Tap on the pictures to enlarge. We wish Mary a very Happy and Healthy Retirement filled with many Blessings. (S.R.)…….(Chris also shared the following captions to some of the images: In her final business class; niece Ria Buckley presents a painting by Barry Fraser; Sister in law Marion Buckley, Organiser Mary Fitzgerald and Ria Buckley prepare to surprise Mary; Mary with her LC business class.) [read more …] “A Very Happy Retirement to Dedicated Teacher Mary Randles”