St Vincent de Paul Annual Appeal

Every facet of life has been severely affected by the Covid 19 virus.  Political, economical, social, sporting and religious activities have all been compromised. Sadly, people have lost their lives, thousands more have fallen ill, lost their jobs and despite Covid payments, have found their livelihoods threatened. The St.Vincent De Paul Society acknowledges the great trauma many have suffered as a consequence.
While continuing to help those most in need, the Society too has seen it’s income diminish by as much as 70%.  St. Patrick’s here in Millstreet depends for most of it’s donations from the Annual Christmas Appeal at the church gate.  Unfortunately, this will not be held this year.  However should you wish to donate, you may do so by using the self addressed envelopes that can be found in the churches at Kilcorney,  Millstreet,  Ballydaly, Cullen, Derrinagree & Dromagh or you can personally hand in a donation to the presbytery in Millstreet and Dromtariffe.
St. Patrick’s Conference sincerely thanks all those who have already donated.
To anyone who requires our assistance or indeed if you know of someone who may be in need, please contact us at 087 9597950.
The Conference would like to wish each and everyone a Safe, Peaceful and a Happy Christmas and we pray that the New Year will bring an end to what has been a turbulent and disturbing time.
A Christmas thought..
“Not everything that is countable counts, but everything that counts is countable”

Traditional Bronze Turkeys for Sale

Hi all,

It’s that time of year again and we must all turn our minds to the festive season. The festive season of course wouldn’t be the same without a delicious turkey for the dinner table on Christmas day! I rear traditional bronze turkeys in the Millstreet area. 100% Irish, oven ready for the big day you can have the option to also have them boned and rolled to make the day that bit easier! For more information or to place an order please contact me Sean on 085 7847879 I’d be delighted to hear from you!