“Radio Treasures” This Tuesday on CMS from 9.30 to 11.00pm

“Radio Treasures” Weekly Show is on air tonight (Tues., 16th Feb. 2021) on Cork Music Station from 9.30 to 11.00.   Feel most welcome to contact the Show on corkmusicstation@ gmail.com or on Text/WhatsApp 086 825 0074 or check out the Seán Radley Facebook.  Happy Listening!  (S.R.)

On tonight’s Show:  Lots of wonderful songs and music including Jim Lyons singing “My Home in Sweet Lyracrompane”, Shandrum Céilí Band’s 2015 All-Ireland performance of “The Killavil Set”, The Clare Céilí Band with “Kilrush Polkas”.  Selections from “The Mikado”, Breeda Tarrant’s “Friendship” …. and many, many more. 

We celebrate a significant Birthday of a Loyal Listener, a gifted Singer and a True Gentleman – Jim Lyons– by virtually visiting Knockalougha Rambling House in Knocknagoshel through the kindness of Kathleen Herlihy of Ballymacelligott.  And also on tonight’s Show we share Entertaining Definitions Galore such as the definition of a “Smile”: “A curve that can set a lot of things straight!” 

At 10pm we remember two people who recently went to their Eternal Reward.   And we chat about the following images:

Corpus Christi Procession at The Square, Millstreet 1964. From the Pictorial Archives of Millstreet Museum. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Spring is here! Daffodil outside Millstreet’s St. Patrick’s Church today.
Cloud formation viewed from Mount Leader today – looking a little like the map of Ireland!
Lenten Garden at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet arranged by Parish Secretary, Sharon Lane.

[read more …] ““Radio Treasures” This Tuesday on CMS from 9.30 to 11.00pm”

Millstreet Meals on Wheels service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for anyone who needs it. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.


A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Please see our menu for next week below.


If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email <email>

Eily’s Report – 16th February

Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde, and welcome to my weekly report.

The first half of Monday was like a real touch of spring. I’m glad that I took advantage of it to out in the garden and indeed found plenty to do which I thoroughly enjoyed. Even in Summer I’m not a one to sit out, not for very long anyway until I see a weed or something that needs my attention. This time I was surprised to find the runners of the Virginian Creeper were gone way up the wall  and not a leaf on them. If left to their own devises they’d have the neighbours and all covered before long. Needless to say they had to be brought down to earth because their season doesn’t come until the autumn . All the other plants in the garden must get their chance before then. The little cheeky robin accompanied me all the whole time, almost striking into me now and then before landing on a nearby branch to sing it’s heart out for me. Lucky for me that I went out in the forenoon because later the heavens opened.

[read more …] “Eily’s Report – 16th February”