The Children’s Playground in Millstreet Town Park will remain closed on Saturday, 3rd April 2021 until 4pm. Open as usual this Thursday and Friday.

Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Yesterday an objection was lodged with Cork County Council to the continued use of an 80 Mtr. Meteorological Mast on Mushera Mountain. This of course is paving the way for a wind farm on Mushera. There were over 200 Signatures attached to the Objection……yes, that is correct…..OVER 200 SIGNATURES. What is even more gratifying is that the Communities from Ballinagree, Aubane, Kilcorney, Millstreet and the Surrounding Area plus further afield came together to achieve this.
Many Thanks to Everyone for the great showing of Support.
Those that worked so hard under difficult circumstances are to be congratulated on their achievement. Keep up the good work.