“Radio Treasures” Weekly Show is on air tonight (Tues., 10 August 2021) on Cork Music Station from 9.30 to 11.30 (Irish Time). Feel most welcome to contact the Show on corkmusicstation@ gmail.com or on Text/WhatsApp 086 825 0074 or check out the Seán Radley Facebook. Happy Listening! (S.R.)
- On tonight’s Show at 10.00pm we extend a special welcome to Cath and Mervyn Sharpe from Loughborough, Leicester, UK whom we interviewed when they visited Millstreet on Thurs. 5th Aug. 2021. They are wonderfully Loyal Listeners of “Radio Treasures”…. and “Lunchtime Favourites”.
Cath and Mervyn Sharpe from Loughborough, Leicester, UK visiting Millstreet Museum on Thurs. 5th Aug. 2021. Cath (née Lehane) was originally from Umeraboy, Knocknagree. - We have our usual Musings and Musical Treats.
- We listen to lots of happy songs and music including the great Malachy Doris Céilí Band and we hear Jimmy Shand with his famous 1955 hit “The Bluebell Polka”. Another special treat – Scotland’s Andy Stewart’s superb musical tribute to the late Sir Harry Lauder.
- We reflect on Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Programmes.
- We chat about Millstreet related news.
- We hear superb songs and music of the 1950s…and 1960s plus more!
- We remember our Faithful Departed.
- And we chat about the images featured below:d
Panoramic view of Millstreet in 2004 from the Heights of Lackabawn. Wonderful reaction to our Interview last week with Margaret, Tara and Daniel. This image was taken by time lapse mode on Tara’s phone. Passing Kilgarvan on our way to Kenmare on Monday, 9th Aug. 2021.
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